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Welcome to Storypillar, a podcast for kids, ages 5-8. Together with Sneak, Bean, Sparky, and Meg, we'll…
Tackle sticky social situations and tough feelings.
Pick up solid, usable advice from real, live kids!
Explore our world’s amazing countries, cultures, and creatures.
Hear some fantasterrific stories and giggle our faces off!
Join us for fresh episodes on the first three Mondays of every month. You’ll learn something new, laugh until your cheeks hurt, and feel better equipped to handle any bumps life throws your way.
Season 3 Episodes

Season 3 Story Sip 8: Doodle for Strudel
(Story Replay Notes)

Season 3 Story Sip 7: Operation Clawzilla
(Story Replay Notes)

Season 3 Story Sip 6: Dracula Makes Strudel
(Story Replay Notes)

Season 3 Story Sip 5: French Fries and Fur Cakes (Story Replay Notes)

Season 3 Story Sip 4: Rainy With a Chance of Moon Cheese (Story Replay Notes)

Season 3 Story Sip 3: The Story Queen
(Story Replay Notes)

Season 3 Story Sip 2: Friends Are Not Sweaters (Story Replay Notes)

Season 3 Story Sip 1: The Bunny and the Crow
(Story Replay Notes)

Sparky Shorts: Santa and Bow-ala the Koala Share a Surfboard! (Mini-Episode Notes)

Full Episode 3.10: Hot Fudge Snazzy Pizzazzy with a Cherry on Top...In Australia (Episode Notes)

Bean-o-meter Check 3.10: Feeling Left Out With Abbe and Koko from Koala Moon!
(Mini-Episode Notes)

Sneak Attack!!! 3.10: Giant Wombats, Surfing Santa, and Pink-eared Zebra Ducks in Australia (Mini-episode Notes)

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Bean-o-meter Check 3.9: Feeling Hopeful
(Mini-Episode Notes)

Welcome to Storypillar!
(Episode guide for new listeners)
Episode Notes

Full Episode 3.9: French Fries and Fur Cakes...In Jamaica (Episode Notes)

Sneak Attack!!! 3.9: Lady Pirates, Radioactive Spas, and Greater Bulldog Bats in Jamaica (Mini-episode Notes)

Bean-o-meter Check 3.8: Feeling Jumpy
(Mini-Episode Notes)

Full Episode 3.8: Shriek Your Spots Off!...In Sri Lanka (Episode Notes)

Sneak Attack!!! 3.8: Leading Ladies, Musical Bread Trucks, and Flowery Civet Butts in Sri Lanka (Mini-episode Notes)

Sparky Shorts: Dracula Makes Strudel!
(Mini-Episode Notes)

Bean-o-meter Check 3.7: Feeling Ignored
(Mini-Episode Notes)

Full Episode 3.7: Doodle for Strudel...In Hungary
(Episode Notes)

Sneak Attack!!! 3.7: Speedy Cubes, Spooky Caves, and Pine Marten Poop in Hungary
(Mini-episode Notes)

Bean-o-meter Check 3.6: Feeling LAZY
(Mini-Episode Notes)
Full Episode 3.6: Rainy With a Chance of Moon Cheese...In Chile (Episode Notes)

Sneak Attack!!! 3.6: Funny Fjords, Mighty Minis, and the Mapuche People in Chile
(Mini-episode Notes)

Summer Guest Episode: Newsy Pooloozi!
(Bonus Episode Notes)

Bean-o-meter Check 3.5: Feeling Sympathetic
(Mini-Episode Notes)
Full Episode 3.5: The Story Queen...In the Basque Country (Episode Notes)

Sneak Attack!!! 3.5: Fast Balls, Angry Bulls, and Pyrenean Desmans in the Basque Country
(Mini-episode Notes)

Bean-o-meter Check 3.4: Feeling FURIOUS
(Mini-Episode Notes)

Full Episode 3.4: The Bunny and The Crow...In the Yukon (Episode Notes)

Sneak Attack!!! 3.4: Cool Caribou, Broken Thermometers, and the Gwich'in Nation in the Yukon (Mini-episode Notes)

Bean-o-meter Check 3.3: Feeling Discouraged
(Mini-Episode Notes)

Full Episode 3.3: SEAL TIME!...In Iran
(Episode Notes)

Sneak Attack!!! 3.3: Caspian Seals, Fancy-Schmancy Saffron, and Lava-Hot Deserts in Iran
(Mini-episode Notes)

Happy Earth Day, Chicken Tray!!!
(Bonus Episode Notes)

Bean-o-meter Check 3.2: Feeling EVERYTHING!!! (Mini-episode Notes)

Full Episode 3.2: Operation Clawzilla...In French Louisiana (Episode Notes)

Sneak Attack!!! 3.2: Chicken Runs, Shell-o-tards, and Crawpappies in French Louisiana
(Mini-episode Notes)
Ear-cuperation Episode 4: Achoo-Boo!
(Story Replay Notes)

Ear-cuperation Episode 3: Treetops, Giant Lakes, and Galagos in Ghana (Sneak Attack!!! 9 Replay Notes)

Ear-cuperation Episode 2: Cowoperation
(Story Replay Notes)

Ear-cuperation Episode 1: Get Well Soon, Meg!!! (Bonus Episode Notes)

Full Episode 3.1: Friends Are Not Sweaters!...In Mongolia (Episode Notes)

Sneak Attack!!! Season 3 Kickoff: Super Houses, Lunar New Year, and Yak Poop in Mongolia (Mini-Episode Notes)
Want even MORE

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